Joel Carvalhais
With over 12 years of experience in risk strategy and operations, Joel excels in defining risk prevention strategies and managing fraud on a day-to-day basis. His expertise spans banking, acquiring, eCommerce, payments, and ethical hacking. He is driven by the thrill of identifying abnormal behaviors and catching fraudsters. Currently, he works in Product to channel his experience into delivering top-notch products with the most helpful features. His goal is to become an integral part of our customers’ toolkits.
A Card-Not-Present Fraud Prevention Guide
Fraudsters are flying high on card-not-present fraud attacks, which are estimated to result in $28 billion in losses by 2026. Banks need a strong card-not-present (CNP) fraud prevention strategy to help keep eCommerce safe for customers and their bottom lines.
Joel Carvalhais6 minutes • Fraud & Scams
Fraude con tarjeta no presente, cómo contraatacar
El fraude con tarjeta no presente (TNP) está aumentando en todas partes, especialmente en América Latina (LATAM), que ha experimentado ...
Joel Carvalhais7 minutes • Fraud & Scams
Por que a fraude de cartão não presente está aumentando e como contra-atacar
A fraude de cartão não presente (CNP) está aumentando em todos os lugares, especialmente na América Latina (LATAM), que tem visto ...
Joel Carvalhais7 minutes • Fraud & Scams
How Synthetic Identity Fraud and Account Opening Work Together
Synthetic identity fraud goes together with account opening fraud like peanut butter goes together with jelly or macaroni goes together with ...
Joel Carvalhais5 minutes • Fraud & Scams
Como as Fraudes de Identidade Sintética e de Abertura de Conta Funcionam Juntas
A fraude de identidade sintética e a fraude de abertura de conta andam juntas como pasta de amendoim e geleia ...
Joel Carvalhais6 minutes • Fraud & Scams
Cómo se Combinan los Fraudes de Identidad Sintética y de Apertura de Cuentas
La fraude de identidad sintética va de la mano con la fraude en la apertura de cuentas como la mantequilla ...
Joel Carvalhais6 minutes • Fraud & Scams